Exposing Tom Brady-Babylonian and Freemasonic Sports

For the past several months (since October 2024), I have been periodically having visions of Tom Brady. Usually, I would see an image of him. He is a professional NFL quarterback who played for 23 seasons. His first 20 seasons was with the New England Patriots. In March 2020, he signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and retired in February 2023. He currently holds 7 NFL Championship rings. In America, sports are favored among men, women and children. Whether playing, coaching, being a fan or spectator, it is a past time favorite. Young boys may start off playing flag football, soccer, baseball or basketball. Young girls may be involved in tennis, cheerleading, tumbling or gymnastics. As an adolescent advances to middle and/or high school, this may be maintained as exercise, discipline and conditioning. I believe that is acceptable as long as it does not become an idol or interfere with academics. We've heard many stories of professional athletes testify of long, hard and...